
PRIDE MONTH 2022 – Wear your colours proudly!

June is Pride Month — a time to celebrate the LGBTQ2S+ communities and all the strides they have made, but also a time to take action. Members of these communities still face serious challenges and we must all continue to work together to overcome them. While acceptance and inclusion in Canadian society has improved greatly over the years, there is still work to be done.

National Indigenous History Month – June

The First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples of Turtle Island are the original builders and caregivers of a land and a nation with unique cultures, communities, languages and traditions. These communities have roots on this continent that go back hundreds of years.

TR Bargaining - Patience is key!

The parties met on May 17, 18 and 19. The Employer and CAPE continued to present their respective proposals, as well as counter-proposals on various issues. In addition, CAPE tabled its pay position, which takes into account the current economic situation.