We’re committed at CAPE to keeping members informed about issues related to public service collective agreements and workplace rights. We make sure you have the details and context to understand each matter and what it means for you — and serve as your advocate to bring balance to the employee-employer relationship.
Actively engaged, always up to date
The federal employment landscape is constantly changing. As new legislation, policies and procedures are developed, we participate in a variety of forums, committees and working groups to keep abreast of proposed changes and represent our members’ interests. We advocate on your behalf to protect and improve benefits and working conditions, sharing timely updates every step of the way.
We advocate on your behalf to elected officials and federal public service senior management, as well as through our participation to various committees and working groups.
Issues Listing

Diversity with Equity and Inclusion
Ongoing systemic barriers in the federal public service continue to be of great concern. Some members of various minority groups report feeling excluded, unfairly treated, or discriminated against in the federal public service. The need for diversity with equity and inclusion continues to be a priority as CAPE advocates for better policies and practices in the federal workplace.

Federal Mandatory Vaccination
To curb the spread of COVID-19, the Federal government announced Friday August 13th, 2021, a unilateral decision to require mandatory vaccinations for all federal public service employees.

Women’s Health and Menopause
Reproductive health and menopause are natural aspects of life that many women experience while actively contributing to the workforce. By fostering awareness and creating a supportive work environment, organizations can help ensure that all women continue to thrive in their careers as they navigate health experiences with confidence, dignity, and the necessary support.

Workforce adjustment
In November 2024, the Treasury Board shared a proposal to refocus government spending which, despite previous commitments, put workforce adjustment (WFA) on the table. While WFA could result in job losses, there are other options possible before reaching this point. CAPE is actively pushing back against these measures while also ensuring that affected members have access to critical information and support.

National campaign promoting remote work
Federal unions representing more than 330,000 workers have launched a national campaign promoting remote work as the future of work for millions of workers in Canada.

Protecting public sector pensions
Public pensions are sacred and any attempt to reduce or alter this critical employment benefit in ways detrimental to workers will always be met with strong opposition.

Promoting and protecting 2SLGBTQI+ rights
CAPE is committed to steadfastly defending, supporting and promoting the rights of 2SLGBTQI+ communities in the workplace and beyond.

Canada Life
On July 1, 2023, federal public sector employees were plunged into yet another crisis, as the Public Service Health Care Plan transferred to a new administrator – Canada Life – that was woefully unprepared to meet its obligations.

Fighting Anti-Black Racism and Discrimination
Black employees have long faced additional barriers at work, limiting their hiring and career advancement and jeopardizing their health and safety.

Winning Telework Rights
Those who can telework should have the flexibility to choose the model that works for them.