
Votes 2023: the results are in!

Pursuant to CAPE’s Constitution and By-Laws, all members in good standing were asked to vote on a proposed resolution, to approve the budget for fiscal years 2024-2025, the Association’s financial statements for 2022 and the choice of the auditing firm. Members were also asked to vote for their preferred candidates for president, vice-president and director positions for the next National Executive Committee mandate.

Nathan Prier elected as new CAPE president

* ERRATUM: Please note that since its publication, CAPE amended the announcement pertaining to the election of two female VPs. Maria Mascaro was the first female VP elected at CAPE…

Quebec school strikes and the use of Code 699

On November 23, more than 65,000 elementary and high school teachers in Quebec began an open-ended strike. As a result, hundreds of schools across the province are currently closed.

CAPE LoP members ratify tentative agreement

Members of the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) belonging to the Library of Parliament (LoP) bargaining unit, have voted in favour of ratifying the tentative agreement that was reached with the Library of Parliament in November.