Update Your Password
On Tuesday, December 14 we sent members an email to update their passwords in our new membership system.
Deadline enforced to dispute Phoenix claim decision
CAPE members who are submitting damages claims over $1500 should know that they have 40 calendar days to dispute the decision made by Treasury Board with regards to their specific claim.
TR: Notice to bargain shared with the employer
On December 20, CAPE sent its notice to bargain to the Employer (Treasury Board).
CAPE signs MOU with TBS regarding the automatic payment of excess leave for EC and TR members related to Phoenix delays
Earlier this year, we were informed by OCHRO that they would not be renewing the moratorium on the automatic cash-out of excess vacation and compensatory leave beyond 2021. We were informed that the automatic cash-out of excess leave would be back in effect on March 31, 2022.
CAPE to collaborate with CCDI on diversity, equity and inclusion issues
The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) has recently established a collaboration with the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI). CAPE is taking another step towards improving its performance in achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion goals at the operational level and across member services.
CAPE joins 12 unions urging TBS to provide centralized guidance regarding telework
On December 17, 2021, CAPE joined 12 other unions as a signatory on a letter to the Honourable Mona Fortier, President of the Treasury Board, asking for “strong leadership and consistent, centralized guidance to government departments and deputy heads around the following: telework and essential and critical employees without access to a third booster shot.”
A second virtual tour together with our community
Despite an enduring global pandemic with restrictions and lockdown measures in place since March 2020, our member community is still going strong. A total of 29 local AGMs were held this year.
Statement on Defence Apology
Yesterday’s public apology to military sexual misconduct victims by the Government of Canada was a step in the right direction to correct the wrongs in the Canadian military which a government report found was “hostile to women and LGBTQ members and conducive to more serious incidents of sexual harassment”.
CAPE’s Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer group vote in favor of a new collective agreement
The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) announced today that CAPE’s Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer (OPBO) group voted in favor of a new collective agreement.
CAPE meets with the President of the Treasury Board as she begins her new mandate
On Thursday, December 2nd, the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) met with the new President of the Treasury Board, the Honourable Mona Fortier (Ottawa-Vanier). The meeting took place virtually and comes only five weeks after her cabinet appointment.