
Update on PSHCP: Tentative agreement reached

After years of negotiations, a new tentative agreement has been reached with the Employer to update the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP). The tentative agreement is being presented to Treasury Board for ratification shortly.

CAPE calls for suspension of return to office

With the announcements by Public Health Officials in the Federal, Ontario and Quebec jurisdictions confirming that we are entering a seventh wave of COVID-19 infections, CAPE has made a request to the Treasury Board Secretariat that all return to office plans be immediately suspended until the situation improves.

2022 CAPE Budget Ratification Vote Results

Following the Membership Budget Meeting that was held on May 5, 2022, all members in good standing were invited to vote on CAPE's 2022 budget from June 20th to July 4th. Here are the results.

EC Bargaining Update

CAPE’s EC bargaining team held intensive negotiation sessions with the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) over the months of May and June.

Submit a Resolution!

You can make your voice heard by submitting resolutions. This is a great way for all registered members to exercise their privileges.

TR Bargaining: reaching an impasse!

After four months of negotiations at the TR bargaining table, CAPE’s bargaining team has reached an impasse. As a result, the team is recommending that the collective bargaining committee refer the outstanding issues for arbitration.

National Public Service Week 2022

We at CAPE are proud to represent our 22,000 federal public sector members, and during National Public Service Week invite the public to join us in celebrating and recognizing their hard work.