
CAPE joins 12 unions urging TBS to provide centralized guidance regarding telework

On December 17, 2021, CAPE joined 12 other unions as a signatory on a letter to the Honourable Mona Fortier, President of the Treasury Board, asking for “strong leadership and consistent, centralized guidance to government departments and deputy heads around the following: telework and essential and critical employees without access to a third booster shot.”

A second virtual tour together with our community

Despite an enduring global pandemic with restrictions and lockdown measures in place since March 2020, our member community is still going strong. A total of 29 local AGMs were held this year.

Statement on Defence Apology

Yesterday’s public apology to military sexual misconduct victims by the Government of Canada was a step in the right direction to correct the wrongs in the Canadian military which a government report found was “hostile to women and LGBTQ members and conducive to more serious incidents of sexual harassment”.

Speech from the Throne: A middle of the road approach

In highlighting government agenda and priorities for the coming months, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary May Simon, Governor General of Canada, confirmed a middle of the road approach focused on the middle class and minority groups, carrying over much of the same priorities established by the last Liberal Government.

Orange the World: End Violence against Women Now!

Its hard to ignore the seriousness of the problem when in 2021 alone, over 79 femicides were committed in Canada. When it comes to domestic violence, recent data shows a spike in calls to domestic violence helplines and police especially from women and girls.

Vote results 2021

Pursuant to CAPE’s Constitution and Bylaws, all members in good standing will be asked to vote on the resolutions being put forward, the proposed dues adjustment, to approve the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 fiscal year budgets and to approve the Association’s financial statements for 2020-2021 . In addition, EC members will also be invited to vote on their choice of two directors. Here are the results.

EC Bargaining Priorities Survey

The current collective agreement covering your terms and conditions of employment expires on June 21, 2022. CAPE will file a notice to bargain to commence negotiations toward a new agreement in early 2022.

Phoenix: Adjustment to Automatic Leave Cash Out

As you may be aware, because of past problems with the Phoenix pay system, the automatic cash-out of excess leave provisions in the EC and TR collective agreements were temporarily suspended and scheduled to be reinstated on March 31, 2022.