
World Health Day: Our Planet, Our Health

CAPE recognizes the importance of caring for our environment and the necessity to support collective and individual actions to reduce environmental degradation and global warming. Furthermore, we recognize that climate and environmental risks produce risks to health and life itself.

Negotiations begin for EC members!

We are pleased to inform you that negotiations have begun for the renewal of the EC collective agreement due to expire on June 21, 2022.

Stronger Together – Voices for Action Against Racism

We know that when we come together, we’re stronger. The theme for this year’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is #VoicesForActionAgainstRacism, which highlights how together our voices can be louder, and our collective actions can make a big difference in the elimination of racism in all its forms.

Protecting the French language in the federal public sector

As one of Canada's official languages, and the official language spoken by 22.8% of the population, French language is an essential part of Canada's identity. Yet, despite its important status and legal protections found in the Official Languages Act, numbers suggest that French is in decline.

TR bargaining begins

Your bargaining team met with the employer's team on March 9. This first step was to exchange proposals between the parties. The first bargaining session will take place on March 29, 30 and 31.

CAPE’s input to the COVID-19 mandatory vaccination policy

As you know, last August the Employer announced its intention to introduce mandatory vaccination for all federal public service employees and implemented it in October with very little input from bargaining agents. The policy included reviewing it periodically, and we are pleased to say that CAPE was invited to share its recommendations in a more substantial way this time around. Please find a summary of our suggestions and rationale for the policy below.