
EC and TR tentative agreements ratified by Treasury Board

CAPE is pleased to inform you that the Treasury Board Secretariat has ratified the tentative agreements for both groups. The signing of the new collective agreements is planned for Thursday, June 29 at CAPE’s office in downtown Ottawa, in the presence of bargaining teams. The signature will make the agreements, including the salary retroactivity, effective from that date. We look forward to providing next steps shortly.

National Indigenous Peoples Day

What we recognize as Canadian identity is so intrinsically linked to the past, present and future of all the First Nations who live here. And together, we can help to ensure that their traditions and languages are preserved, protected and given the resources to thrive.

CAPE EC members ratify tentative agreement

Members of the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) belonging to the Economics and Social Science Services bargaining group (EC) have voted in favour of ratifying the tentative agreement that was reached with the Treasury Board Secretariat in May 2023.

CAPE TR members ratify tentative agreement

Members of the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) belonging to the Translation (TR) bargaining unit, have voted in favour of ratifying the tentative agreement that was reached with the Treasury Board Secretariat in May.

National Public Service Week 2023

CAPE is honoured to represent 24,000 federal public sector members, and I want to take the opportunity of National Public Service Week to invite everyone to join us in celebrating and recognizing your hard work.