
EC Bargaining Update

The parties met on May 14, 15 and 16 at the bargaining table. They were assisted by mediators appointed by the Federal Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board…

CAPE Accepts Government Phoenix Damages Offer

The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) announced today that it had accepted Treasury Board Secretariat’s offer presented Friday May 3 to compensate federal employees for damages caused by the Phoenix Pay System. The decision was made following a consultation with CAPE’s National Executive Committee and its membership base.

FAQs: Phoenix Damages

General questions about the agreement, the leave bank credits and about additional damages and compensation.

Floodwaters 2019: solidarity with flood victims

The 2019 spring floods have been especially devastating for thousands of people and families. As you all know, several towns and cities in New Brunswick, Ontario and Quebec have declared a state of emergency to obtain the resources they need to deal with the situation. The National Capital Region, which is home to many federal government workers, has been particularly hard hit.

Earth Day –Changing our Habits One Step at a Time

We all share a responsibility to protect and care for our environment. Increasing carbon emissions and pollution are some of the most critical issues we are grappling with and must face with a greater sense of urgency. We owe it to ourselves, to future generations and to other species we share this world with.

EC Bargaining Update

The parties at the EC bargaining table will be meeting on May 14, 15 and 16, 2019.