Message from CAPE’s new president: Camille Awada
As you know, on May 5 I was designated by the National Executive Committee (NEC) to serve as your president until the current term is up on December 31, 2023, and I wanted to reach out to introduce myself.
National Volunteer Week 2022
National Volunteer Week is about celebrating and expressing gratitude to all those who give their personal time towards supporting an important cause, be it kids’ sports teams, neighbourhood groups, vulnerable communities, refugees settling in our country or other causes. Volunteering is empathy in action, and we have proven to have plenty of it!
Every Child Matters
We are all horrified and deeply saddened by the recent discovery of the 215 Indigenous children who were found buried together in Kamloops, British Columbia. Our deepest condolences go to their families and to all Indigenous communities.
Labour Day 2020
This year has certainly been one like no other. The workplace has been shaken up and completely redefined, and whether these changes are permanent has yet to be seen. The pandemic has given rise to a new way of life, for better or for worse. If there is any silver lining, it is the fact that the crisis has contributed to strengthening the labour community.
Statement on the Portapique Shooting
It is with immense sadness that the Canadian Association of Professional Employees joins all Canadians in extending its deepest condolences to members of the Portapique community of Northern Nova Scotia, and to the broader RCMP family, following the senseless shooting that took 22 lives, on Saturday April 18.
National Volunteer Week 2020
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have come together and mobilized to help the most vulnerable members of our society.
CAPE Marks Black History Month with a Call to Action
As we mark Black History Month, we take a moment to recognise and honour Black culture and Black Canadians and their impact on Canada’s growth, prosperity and accomplishments.
Canada’s 29th Ministry (Cabinet) - CAPE’s Official Statement
The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) warmly welcomes the new Cabinet as announced by the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau on November 20th, 2019.
2019 Federal Election: CAPE's Official Statement
The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) welcomes the results of the federal election 2019 and stands ready and open to work with the new government.