Let’s stand against anti-Black racism
oday CAPE joins its voice with Canadian leaders as well as leaders and communities around the world to stand against anti-Black racism, racial hate, systemic discrimination, and bigotry.
Elections 2020: Call for Nominations!
If you would like to serve on CAPE’s National Executive Committee (NEC), you have until Tuesday, September 1, 2020, to submit your nomination.
Break the Silence and Stand up to Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
CAPE stands in solidarity with members of the LGBTQ2 community. We believe that everyone has the right to work and live in a healthy environment and feel comfortable to be their authentic self without fear of discrimination, violence, exclusion, reprisal or from being stigmatised.
CAPE Sounds the Alarm at the House of Commons on Injuries Sustained by Interpreters
On Monday May 4th, Greg Phillips, in his capacity as national president of the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE), testified before the House of Commons Procedure and House Affairs Committee (PROC) as part of its “Parliamentary Duties and the COVID-19 Pandemic” study.
The importance of staying connected during the lockdown
During this year’s Mental Health Week, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) promotes social connections, because having a social network is also having a support network. What is hard now is nurturing and maintaining those connections.
Earth Day 2020
Our home is a planet where life thrives, diverse and colorful. Earth abounds with beautiful nature, a masterpiece that is a joy to experience and good to get closer to when looking for comfort, calm and relaxation. If we can turn our attention away from our current forced isolation and take our eyes beyond the walls around us, we will soon see how therapeutic nature can be and how much we need it.
2020 CAPE Calendars now available
We're proud to unveil this year's 2020 CAPE calendar. Like previous editions, the CAPE calendar identifies holidays and pay days.
Highlights of AGM 2019 “Strength in Diversity”
On Wednesday, November 13, CAPE held its 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) under the theme "Strength in Diversity".
COVID-19: Mental Wellness and Personal Safety
During this time of isolation, social distancing and in the context of prolonged teleworking, it is important for people feeling vulnerable and at risk to have easy and quick access to mental wellness and personal safety resources.
COVID-19: Message from the President
It has been two weeks since our community began feeling the effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic, which quickly threw everyone into crisis management mode. This unprecedented situation has put the resilience of our public institutions and that of the entire public service to the test.