
Mandatory Vaccinations: Next Steps

On August 13, 2021, the Federal Government announced a policy of mandatory vaccination for federal public service employees. As the country enters a fourth wave of the pandemic and…

National Indigenous History Month 2021

Celebrating the rich history of the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island is about recognizing their vast diversity and honouring the various cultures, traditions, worldviews, and languages that make up First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.

George Floyd, A Year Later: Calling for continued action to address systemic anti-Black racism

A year ago today, George Floyd, a Black American, was brutally murdered at the hand of a Minnesota police officer who used excessive and disproportionate force causing his death. The tragedy sent a shock wave across the world and left an indelible mark on race-relations, propelling discussions, and actions to deal with anti-Black racism, discrimination, and inequities.

Asian Heritage Month 2021: Recognition, Resilience, and Resolve

According to the 2016 Canadian census, 17.7% of Canadians identify as having Asian roots, and May is dedicated to celebrating them. As we continue to embrace our rich diversity, Asian Heritage Month creates an opportunity to bring attention to the accomplishments of Canadians of Asian descent, and to highlight their contributions to Canada.