NCR members: Show solidarity with striking UNDE workers on March 13
We are calling on members in the National Capital Region to show their support for the hundreds of civilian staff working across six military bases in Ontario and Quebec who went…
MEDIA RELEASE: Largest federal public sector unions call for ongoing Phoenix damages on 8th anniversary
OTTAWA – Unions representing more than 260,000 federal public sector workers are calling on the government to negotiate ongoing damages for workers who continue to be impacted by…
Black History Month 2024 – Interview with Bernadeth Betchi
Black History Month 2024 – Interview with Bernadeth Betchi
CAPE condemns the arrest of Alex Silas
The Canada Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) strongly condemns the arrest of Alex Silas, Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) regional executive vice-president for…
Highlights of the 2023 Annual General Meeting and the 2024 CAPE calendar
Thank you to all the members who were able to participate in the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM), which was held on Wednesday, November 29. Members had the chance to participate…
CAPE calls for immediate and permanent ceasefire in Palestine
The newly elected National Executive Committee voted on January 26 to release a call for a ceasefire to the violence between Israel and Palestine. Members and leadership of the…
Empowering pay equity: progress and pursuits
We wanted to share an update on the pay equity work that is underway as we begin the new year. Within the federal public sector, gender-based pay disparities continue to contribute…
Call for expression of interest: Graphic design - expanding roster
The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) is launching a call for expressions of interest for talented and experienced graphic designers to add to our roster of…
CAPE stands in solidarity with striking civilian staff working on Canada’s military bases
The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) stands in solidarity with the hundreds of civilian staff working across six military bases in Ontario and Quebec who went…
Join CAPE in solidarity with the UNDE strikers!
As you all know, our siblings at PSAC’s Union of National Defence Employees (UNDE) began their strike today. These are hundreds of civilian staff working across six military bases…