Our Telework Rights Working Group developed CAPE’s first member-led campaign strategy framework earlier this year for CAPE’s telework campaign. This was synthesized into CAPE’s suggested early Ladder of Escalation which was shared with our membership. CAPE has now launched over a dozen Local Organizing Committees in coordination with PSAC, PIPSC, and ACFO, as well as many other smaller federal public service unions.
CAPE’s general strategic framework was built by you, our members, around two key poles. The first is an “inside strategy”, aimed primarily at exacting costs on the senior management of the civil service for pushing an ill-conceived, wasteful, and discriminatory mandatory in-office policy. The second is an “outside strategy”, aimed at increasing pressure on federal politicians who refuse to reverse course and get on the right side of history. It’s time for our workplaces to modernize and grant flexible remote work rights to all, as Australia, the United Kingdom, and British Columbia have already done.
As you are likely well aware of, much of the initial work for our telework campaign has been very centred around National Capital Region locals that are organized by department – as regional members, your context is likely quite different than these locals. Your locals often represent dozens of different departmental affiliations, and work locations scattered across your respective region.
As such, we are launching a regional track of the Telework Rights Working Group open exclusively to regionally affiliated members to develop a more regionally focused campaign plan. We need to focus our local organizing committees and build out our respective community coalitions. Our first meeting will be on September 16 at 12 pm ET and is open to all regionally listed members of CAPE – please spread the word.
In this kickoff meeting, we will introduce ourselves, share ideas, and begin initial campaign planning conversations. The eventual goal of the group is to land on a regional ladder of escalation with clear next steps, correct targets, and useful tactics to advance the campaign.
If you’d like to attend, please register through this form – we will send out Zoom details to all registrants shortly.