Push for telework continues – Petition your DM

CAPE members have been pushing back against the updated return-to-office directive—contributing to strategy discussions to figure out next steps, attending rallies and pushing elected officials to win telework rights through petitions, letters and calls.

CAPE members efforts continue – now with a focus on pushing departmental leaders to grant a mass exemption to mandatory in-office presence.

Sign the petition to your Deputy Minister now and share with colleagues (from any union) from your department.

Departments who have a large percentage of employees sign the petition will have the petitions delivered to the DM. Local Organizing Committees are planning events and activities to get these petitions signed—join your Local Organizing Committee today to build a critical mass of voices to demand telework now! Email general@acep-cape.ca to get involved with your name, department, work location, and personal email address.

This petition is one of many next steps CAPE members are taking to fight for telework rights. It will take more than the policy grievance and unfair labour practice to win on telework. It will take sustained organizing and mobilizing by you and your coworkers – this is a low-risk step we all need to take to test our level of unity and show the employer we’re acting as one. Local organizers will soon be reaching out to thousands of you to sign this and get us to a supermajority in each department and region of the country – join your local organizing committee if you haven’t yet, and make your contribution. 

To keep up to date on all the actions CAPE is taking you can visit the issues page on the CAPE website.

With recent ‘consultations’ having failed (how nice of them to want to consult after they unilaterally made the decision!) public sector unions like CAPE and PSAC withdrew from the federal government’s committee on telework. It was made clear that they had no intention of listening to members’ concerns on this issue. It’s time for all union members to have their voices heard in the workplace directly with management to help put pressure on this issue.

Those who can telework should have the flexibility to choose the model that works for them. 

Sign the petition to your Deputy Minister now and share with colleagues (from any union) from your department.