President’s message – Public Service Pride Week

It’s only been a few decades since the Canadian government ended an active campaign to purge the public service of LGBTQ employees. It was not until 1992 that the federal government formally acknowledged that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation.  

The latest Public Service Employee Survey reveals that, while the purge is no longer official policy, the public sector is still an inhospitable environment for many belonging to the 2SLGBTQIA+ communities. More than 12,000 employees self-identified as a member of this community and reported higher levels of stress and poorer mental health than their colleagues.  

The government has declared that it supports amending the Employment Equity Act to include LGBTQI+ workers as a separate group, recognizing the challenges they experience. This is progress was made possible thanks to the dedication and relentless advocacy of the Public Service Pride Network and other actors in this diverse community.

In Canada and around the world, there has been a disturbing increase in hate and vitriol towards these communities. Our members have faced violence, threats and hate simply for walking down the street. Simply for being themselves. Across the country, provinces are implementing policies that discriminate against 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals, while the far right has pushed transphobia, in particular, as one of their central organizing principles  

And in our workplaces, members of these communities experience discrimination and do not receive adequate protections or support from management. From active and purposeful hate and discrimination to ignorance – whether wilful or not – 2SLGBTQIA+ employees are given the message that they aren’t welcome.  

These are voices that need to be drowned out by messages of strength and solidarity, in both words and actions. Every day we need to make sure that our voices are louder and push back with messages of love in the workplace:

You are valued! You belong! We stand by your side! We have your back!    

This week – Public Service Pride Week – let’s celebrate the diversity, passion and optimism that comes with free expression. Together, let’s push for a future when everyone is free to be themselves – openly, happily and without apology. We won’t be allowing hatemongers to drag us backwards.

For those in the National Capital Region, please join us at the Capital Pride Parade on August 25. Members across Canada can check out other Public Service Pride events happening in their regions.

In solidarity,

Nathan Prier