Newfoundland plane crash: heartfelt condolences for the victim, their families and colleagues

We are deeply and profoundly saddened by the tragic death of a federal employee working for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in a plane crash off Newfoundland on Friday, August 9, which also injured three other people, including other federal employees. 

On behalf of the CAPE community, we wish to express our most heartfelt condolences to the friends, family and colleagues of the employee who was tragically killed. To those injured, we extend our wishes for a full recovery.

Our hearts ache for the families, communities and colleagues affected by this unimaginable tragedy.

Losing a colleague or a fellow federal employee in such shocking circumstances can be incredibly traumatic. We encourage our members to take care of their mental well-being and not hesitate to speak to a professional or someone they trust.

The Employee Assistance Program is a free and confidential professional counselling service available to federal public service workers. We encourage you to contact the one for your department or agency.

On behalf of the CAPE community,

Nathan Prier
CAPE President