National Indigenous History Month 2021

“Celebrate through Learning”


Celebrating the rich history of the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island is about recognizing their vast diversity and honouring the various cultures, traditions, worldviews, and languages that make up First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.  

Indigenous Peoples in Canada are independent sovereign nations, and this month we invite all Canadians to join us in commemorating their history and heritage.

When it comes to the federal public service community, Indigenous Peoples are increasingly better represented. A survey conducted from 2005-2016 found that their representation increased by 157 percent, with a 23 percent rise in employees identifying as members of Indigenous Peoples of Canada in leadership positions.

A good step towards delivering the real change needed to drive policies and programs that reflect the needs and realities of each Indigenous community starts with having a strong voice and influence within the federal public service. Increasing representation from within is therefore a step in the right direction.

As a society, we must protect and treasure the collective wisdom and knowledge Indigenous Peoples hold. At a time of global and social shifts, and uncertainty, there is inspiration to be found in the values they embrace, such as the community’s unique relationship with Mother Earth. Let’s learn from First Nation, Inuit and Métis people, and follow their lead.

Let us aspire to the communion of the nations and cultures of Canada to build a better society. 

Truth and Reconciliation

There is a critical need for continued learning and dialogue about the sufferings inflicted upon Indigenous communities over several generations. Properly honouring Indigenous communities requires a journey down the path of truth and reconciliation to promote healing. 

Residential school systems and missing Indigenous women and girls are part of a much bigger story of cruelty, disdain, and neglect deeply rooted in racism against Indigenous Peoples, which we cannot ignore. The recent discovery of 215 Indigenous children buried in an individual unmarked burial site in Kamloops is a stark reminder of the senseless violence and trauma that Indigenous communities have endured for decades and that continue to affect young generations.

We shall not forget.

Learn more about Indigenous Culture