National AccessAbility Week

As we celebrate and recognize National AccessAbility Week, CAPE would like to draw attention to its increased efforts around accessibility. Under the current mandate of the National Executive Committee a new subcommittee has been established – the accessibility, health and safety subcommittee – to ensure a continued focus on issues affecting members both in their workplaces and in their union. 

CAPE NEC EC director Carmelle Goldberg with accessibility champion Rick Hansen

Pictured here is the subcommittee chair and NEC EC director Carmelle Goldberg with accessibility champion Rick Hansen. The two recently met and discussed the barriers that exist for persons with disabilities in the federal government, and the union spaces that must be more accessible and inclusive to protect human rights. 

CAPE would also like to acknowledge and thank its members who have raised accessibility issues both in the workplace and within the association so that we can better help address them and make accessibility everyone’s issue. Everyone can benefit from accessible spaces.

AccessAbility Coffee Chat: Wednesday, May 29, 12 to 1 PM ET

Don’t miss out on a chance to take part in our very first accessibility event – a friendly coffee chat to share views and ideas to make our union and workplace more accessible. Find out more and register here