CAPE, other federal unions and community leaders rally for remote work

At a rally organized by the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE), more than 200 federal government employees and members of local community organizations demanded a more progressive vision for Ottawa’s downtown that does not rely on workers being in the office to sustain struggling businesses.

“We have a clear-cut opportunity to reimagine and rebuild downtown Ottawa into a vibrant community that works for everyone,” said CAPE President Nathan Prier. “But instead, we are regressing to a broken model that has never worked. Before the pandemic, the downtown core was a dead zone outside the hours of nine to five, Monday to Friday. Now is the time to transform it into something better.”

The rally was held in front of Ottawa City Hall, where Treasury Board President Anita Anand was the guest speaker at this month’s Mayor’s Breakfast. Last month, the Treasury Board announced that federal public sector employees would be required to report to an office building three days a week beginning in September. This announcement followed public statements from Ottawa Premier Doug Ford, who declared that public servants in Ottawa needed to go back to the office to support struggling businesses in the downtown core.

Both union leaders and community organizations have argued that the federal government’s office real estate can be converted into other uses, such as housing and childcare, that will deliver greater benefits for the people who live in the city. In its 2024 budget, the federal government committed to converting 50 per cent of its real estate into housing. 

Mayors of communities outside of Ottawa have also expressed their concerns about the government’s mandate, arguing that forcing employees back to downtown Ottawa will hurt their local economies, which have thrived as more federal employees working remotely has meant more residents spending money within their communities. 

CAPE, one of the largest federal government unions with more than 25,000 members, is advocating for full-time telework for every employee who wants – and has the ability – to work remotely. CAPE members have reported that they are more productive when they are working in their home.

Photos from the rally on Flickr.