Don't forget that the Membership Budget Meeting and the Annual General Meeting are tonight at the Ottawa Sheraton Hotel, 150 Albert Street, at 5:30 p.m.
Click here for the agenda.
Registration for our 2017 annual general meeting is now open. Whether in person or via webcasting, we kindly ask that you register online if you plan on attending this year’s AGM. Register today.
All positions on the National Executive Committee are up for election to fulfill three-year terms, which commence on January 1, 2018. Nomination forms must have been received by September 1, 2017.
The NEC comprises 17 members including:
- one President position;
- two Vice-President positions;
- one for the EC and Library of Parliament (LoP) group;
- one for the TR group; - one Director position for the LoP group;
- two Director positions for the TR group, and;
- 12 Director positions for the EC group.
Below are the candidates running for the national executive committee positions.
On November 2, there will be a meet and greet with the candidates to give you an opportunity to learn a bit more about the individual candidates’ respective platforms and to ask questions. Their biographies and platforms are also available below.
To find out more about each candidate, please click the their name to download their biography (PDF):
EC and LoP Vice-President
TR Vice-President
EC Directors
- Anthony Coles
- Maureen E. Collins
- Hailin Collins (Wang)
- Howard Delnick
- Granda Kopytko
- Ann Kurikshuk-Nemec
- Kelly Mansfield
- Mathieu Stiermann
- Andreas Trau
- Elizabeth Venditti Removed at the request of the candidate. January 2025.
- Bernard Marquis
TR Directors
- No candidate
LoP Directors
- No candidate
Standard of conduct
All candidates must agree with the following Standard of Conduct:
Standard of Conduct
I have read the bylaws, including Bylaw 3.2 and # 5 : I will observe recognized standards of conduct and demonstrate integrity throughout the election campaign in my behavior and in verbal and written communications. I will also make proper and sensible use of social media.
Should I fail to conform, I understand and accept that my nomination may be cancelled, as per bylaw 3.2.
There are no resolutions being presented at this year's AGM.
About the Elections and Resolutions Committee
Pursuant to our constitution, an Elections and Resolutions Committee (ERC) has been established to oversee the upcoming elections. Subject to the bylaws, the ERC shall organize and oversee all election and voting processes, with the exception of the ratification of tentative agreements. Members of the ERC are not eligible to stand as candidates for election to the National Executive Committee (NEC). Members of the Elections and Resolutions Committee shall not campaign in support of or against a candidate nor publicly divulge their opinion on a resolution.
1- Duties
The President is the principle spokesperson and representative of the Association. She/He directs the National Office of the Association. The President presides at all general meetings and meetings of the National Executive Committee. He/She interprets the Constitution of the Association, ensures that the policies of the Association are observed and that the objectives, guidelines and policies of the National Executive Committee are carried out. The President reports to the Executive, Local Leadership, and membership on the affairs of the Association. The President is a member of all Association committees, excluding the Elections Committee.
2- Salary and employment conditions
The position of President is a full time paid position. The President while serving the Association is an employee of the government on leave without pay. The Association has established by Constitution, the salary and benefit conditions of the President in the EX-02 range of the Executive Category in the federal Public Service.
The Presidency is not paid for overtime. The incumbent may expect to work up to 20 days of overtime in a fiscal year. At the discretion of the National Executive Committee the President may receive 10 days of additional annual leave in recognition of all overtime worked in a fiscal year.
1- Duties
In the event of the President’s temporary absence a Vice-President presides over the meetings of the Association. The Vice-Presidents attend meetings of the National Executive Committee (NEC) and may perform duties assigned by the President or the NEC.
2- Benefits
The position is a voluntary one (unpaid). Members are compensated if the performance of their Association duties requires them to take leave from their government position.
Profile: National Executive Committee DIRECTORS
1- Duties
National Executive Committee members are required to attend annual general meetings and monthly National Executive Committee meetings. As members of various Association committees they perform duties as assigned by the NEC.
2- Benefits
The position is a voluntary one (unpaid). Members are compensated if the performance of their Association duties requires them to take leave from their government position.
The National Executive Committee, as a whole, is responsible for establishing Association objectives, policies and guidelines. The National Executive Committee, subject to membership approval, may propose, vary, or rescind By-laws and exercise executive authority.
Regular and pending members
A Regular Member is any member of a bargaining unit for which the Association is the bargaining agent, who has applied for Regular Membership in the Association, and whose dues are being remitted. A Pending Member is someone for whom the Association has received an application form to be a Regular Member but whose dues have not yet been remitted.