Call to boycott National Public Service Week employer-led activities

Today, we are calling on CAPE members to refuse to participate in National Public Service Week (NPSW), which kicks off on Monday, June 10.


It is hard to imagine how any CAPE member could feel celebratory about working for the federal government after the employer’s unilateral decision to impose a three-day return-to-office mandate, with zero consultation or consideration for how this move will impact employees.


Federal workers continue to suffer from a myriad of poor administrative decisions. The ongoing catastrophic failure of Phoenix still wreaks havoc eight years later. And, just last summer, the adoption of Canada Life as the public health plan administrator left thousands suddenly facing lost benefits, long wait times and terrible customer service to access reimbursements, when not completely denied coverage. Employees are still suffering from these disasters.


To add insult to injury, the offices CAPE members have already gone back to range from completely unsanitary and unsafe to unfit to accommodate the workforce. Working conditions in the federal government have deteriorated to such as point that they are unrecognizable from what employees had originally signed up for. It doesn’t have to be this way.


CAPE has sent a letter to Bill Matthews, newly appointed Secretary of the Treasury Board, copying all deputy heads of departments and agencies where our members are represented, informing him that CAPE would be boycotting all NPSW employer events.  


How you can support the boycott: 


  • Boycott: Inform your manager that you are not participating in employer-led NPSW events in solidarity with your union and other unions, as per the CAPE letter to Secretary Matthews
  • Support or participate in your local’s counter-events: All CAPE locals have been notified of the boycott and some will be organizing activities at their level. Get in touch with your local to see what they are planning.
  • Join us at the USJE “Scrap the Mandate” rally in front of the Treasury Board office at 90 Elgin Street in Ottawa on Tuesday, June 11, at noon – CAPE will be joining our USJE (PSAC) comrades at a lunchtime rally to push back against mandatory in-office days. Come and join us – further callouts to come!



Stay tuned for more information about CAPE or union-led activities though upcoming emails or checking our social media platforms regularly.