Telework Rights Working Group Meeting

May 30, 2024
Virtual meeting

Our campaign to defeat mandatory in office days is gaining momentum. CAPE members have sent a clear message to the employer that we reject the forced return to office and demand full remote work rights. 

The next step is to join the Telework Rights Working Group meeting online on Thursday, May 30th from 5 to 7 pm ET. We want to hear from members directly as we plan the next stages in the campaign. 

Telework Rights Working Group Meeting

Thursday, May 30th

5 to 7 pm ET



When CAPE heard the rumours that Treasury Board was planning to increase mandatory in-office days, we quickly launched an online tool allowing people to send emails opposing the change directly to their Member of Parliament and Treasury Board President Anita Anand. To date, members of CAPE, other federal unions, and members of the public have sent over 70,000 letters.

Then, days after the announcement, we held a townhall on telework with over 2,000 CAPE members registered. The energy and passion in the virtual room was inspiring. We heard clearly that CAPE members are planning to fight the forced return to office and that we will win. 

We heard from many members who participated in the phone zap that Minister Anita’s Anand’s offices that we flooded and completely filled her voicemail across multiple days. 

Then, this morning we held a rally outside of the Mayor of Ottawa’s breakfast with Minister Anand, with over 200 people attending before the start of work. I asked the Minister directly how she justified forcing employees back into the office. Not surprisingly, she didn’t answer the question, but the many supporters rallying outside made sure she felt the pressure. 

Share the photos and videos from the rally: 

The campaign is growing. Next, we want to hear from you directly about what we can do in your workplace and in your riding to defeat this increased in-office presence. 

Join us at the meeting on Thursday, May 30th. RSVP for the call, bring a coworker, and help build momentum to win full telework now!

PS. Missed the all-members meeting on telework townhall? Watch the recording now.