New date - webinar: Indigenous solidarity - Grassy Narrows

Sep 3, 2024

New date for the webinar  - September 3

As a union that represents federal public sector employees, CAPE recognizes that we have a special role to play in holding the employer accountable to its commitments to reconciliation and upholding Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination.

On September 3, CAPE President Nathan Prier will host a webinar for members to learn more about how the federal public sector and CAPE can support Indigenous communities, with a specific focus on the Grassy Narrows community and their ongoing fight for land, water and mercury justice.

Please add to your calendar with this Zoom link information as we will not be sending a reminder.

On September 18, CAPE will be joining the Grassy Narrows River Run, a call to justice in which Grassy Narrows youth, elders, and community members gather with labour leaders and allies from all across the country in Toronto to amplify the community's demands.

>> Speakers must identify themselves

Members who wish to engage in the conversation must be identified by their name and local or department. Anonymous participation is not allowed as this is a members-only event.

Online discussion participants:

>> Microphone required to protect interpreters’ health and safety

CAPE would like to do its best to allow for online participation while respecting the health and safety requirements of its interpreters.

While online participants will be allowed to join in the conversation, using a proper microphone will be mandatory.

Cellphones, earbuds, or wireless headsets are not approved for speaking due to the health and safety risks the sound can pose to the interpreters.

>> Sound check needed to participate verbally online

Online participants who want to engage in the conversation verbally will be required to log on 15-30 minutes early to do a sound check with the technicians. Participants who wish to speak must:

  • be identified by name and local or department
  • turn on their camera when speaking
  • have a headset with a built-in mic and wired USB connection

The technicians, interpreters and CAPE staff reserve the right to cut off microphones or not interpret should the sound not be of adequate quality to ensure the health and safety of interpreters. 

Online participants will be able to ask questions verbally if sound-checked, and through the Q&A function of Zoom.


For more information about the Grassy Narrows community and their ongoing fight for justice and freedom, please consult the resources below.


Free Grassy Narrows social media