Interunion virtual town hall on telework

Aug 27 - 28, 2024
Via Zoom

As the September 9 deadline for the federal government’s three-day in-office mandate approaches, many CAPE members are expressing concerns about how this will impact work-life balance, productivity, and overall well-being. 

To help address these concerns, CAPE is collaborating with other federal public sector unions to host three virtual town halls on telework. This is an opportunity for unions to give an update on what we have been doing to fight back and discuss the challenges of the in-office mandate and how we can collectively push for a future of work that benefits everyone — a future where flexible work arrangements are the norm, not the exception. Because #RemoteWorks. 

Register now

Three town halls will be offered at various time to ensure everyone has the opportunity to attend one. Register now for the time that works best for you.

Zoom link: 


  • Nathan Prier, president, Canadian Association of Professional Employees
  • Sharon DeSousa, national president, Public Service Alliance of Canada 
  • Jennifer Carr, president, Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada 
  • Dany Richard, president, Association of Canadian Financial Officers 

Submit your questions

There will be a question-and-answer period during the townhall. Please submit your questions in advance to

The government’s current directive threatens to undo the progress made with telework, a model that has significantly improved job satisfaction and work-life balance. Join one of the three town hall sessions to learn more about the implications of the mandate and how we can push back together. 

Ensure your voice is heard as we strive for a modern, inclusive, and flexible workplace.