CAPE in the News

*Please note that the news is provided in the original language only.

For all media inquiries, please visit our contact page.


Ottawa Citizen - March 28 
Four things public servants need to know about the federal government's new AI strategy 

CTV Morning Live - March 27 
What public service unions want to hear on the campaign trail

Ottawa Citizen - March 26 
Unions rally against 3,300 job cuts, 2,000 salary reductions at IRCC 

CBC - March 26
Government workers concerned about promises to reduce the size of the public service

CTV Ottawa - March 25
Here is what public sector unions want out of the new federal government

TVA Gatineau-Ottawa - March 25
Fonction Publique | Des promesses qui suscitent des réactions (French only)

Radio-Canada - March 24
Quel avenir attend la fonction publique après les élections? (French only)

Hill Times - March 20
‘Don’t make us compare you to Elon Musk’: public sector unions want job security assurances from feds as election looms

CBC - March 20
Translation Bureau to cut a quarter of its workforce over next 5 years

Canadian Press - March 20
Federal union concerned about planned cuts to Translation Bureau

Radio-Canada - March 20 
Plus de 300 postes seront abolis au Bureau de la traduction du Canada (French only)

Le Droit - March 20 
Ottawa va abolir des postes de traducteurs (French only)

Francopresse - March 20 
Le Bureau de la traduction compte supprimer près de 340 postes en cinq ans (French only)

Radio-Canada  - March 17
Devant un revers de la cour, le Secrétariat du Recours collectif noir étudie ses options (French only)

CBC - March 10 
Over eggs, Sutcliffe presses Ottawa's case with PM-designate

Radio-Canada - March 10
Élection de Mark Carney : des syndicats mettent en garde contre les coupes (French only)

La Presse - February 27
Des syndicats de fonctionnaires rappellent que des problèmes subsistent (French only)

The Hill Times - February 17
‘Unprecedented national crisis’: relaxed hybrid work rules urged as public servants stare down tariff response workload

The Hill Times - February 10
Trump’s tariffs could require pandemic-style public service mobilization, say observers

The Hill Times - February 3
‘We’ve seen this movie before’: hold IRCC cuts until House resumes, union urges

PressProgress -  February 2 
Labour Unions Call On Canada to ‘Hit Back Hard’ After Donald Trump Launches Unprovoked Trade War Against Canada

CTV News - January 27
‘The future of work is remote’: Federal unions launch national campaign promoting hybrid work arrangements

Radio-Canada - January 27
Télétravail : les syndicats ne lâchent pas le gouvernement fédéral (French only)

Canadian Press - January 22
Poilievre says he wants to cut the federal public service, doesn't mind remote work

Ottawa Citizen - January 21
Job cuts at Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada tough pill to swallow for Ottawa

Canadian Press - January 20
Federal immigration department to cut more than 3,300 jobs over three years

La Presse - January 20
Le ministère de l’Immigration s’apprête à supprimer 3300 emplois (French only)

CBC - January 8
What does Justin Trudeau's departure mean for federal public servants?


Ottawa Citizen - December 27
Public servants continue to struggle with Phoenix issues as government promises new pay system

Radio-Canada - December 23
Fonctionnaires fédéraux au bureau 4 jours par semaine? Pas pour l’instant (French only)

Radio-Canada - December 10
Problèmes d’Internet pour des fonctionnaires fédéraux depuis le retour au bureau (French only)

The Hill Times - December 9
Some departments ‘stopping the clock’ to prevent contract workers from becoming permanent public service staff

Toronto Star - December 7
Ottawa’s return to office mandate is driven by something besides evidence

CTV News - December 4
Canada may have to spend millions more before new payment system can be used

Radio-Canada - December 3
Le nombre de fonctionnaires fédéraux a augmenté trois fois plus vite que la population (French only)

La Rotonde - November 18
Le télétravail, porteur des villes durables ? (French only)

The Hill Times - November 18
Unions warn non-permanent public servants will be first on chopping block as feds look to cut costs

All Work - November 12 
Canada’s Public Sector Fighting For Data-Driven RTO Decisions

CBC - November 8
Public service unions warn of job cuts after Treasury Board meeting

Radio-Canada - November 7
Des postes menacés dans la fonction publique fédérale (French only)

Radio-Canada - October 31
Humour et bilinguisme au fédéral : une initiative qui ne fait pas rire tout le monde (French only)

Wide Decision Maker podcast - October 29 
The Federal Government Doesn't Have Data to Back Up RTO: Nathan Prier of CAPE 

Le Droit - October 29
Des syndicats veulent des villes «durables» où règne le télétravail (French only)

Ottawa Citizen - October 29 
Working from home full time would cut public service emissions significantly: report

Rabble - October 24
Calls to investigate federal government’s office mandate for workers

CTV Ottawa  - October 23 
Two more federal unions call for Commons committee to investigate 3-day a week office mandate

CTV Ottawa -  October 17
Ottawa doctors see spike in demand for sick notes from public servants

Toronto Star - October 17
‘We’ve seen it can be done a different way’: Why Canadian public servants are locked in a fight over federal back-to-work mandate

CFRA - Ottawa Now - October 15
Public service union head explains call for committee review of return-to-office plan

Ottawa Citizen - October 15
Return-to-office 'catastrophic failures': Public service union calls for investigation

Canadian HR Reporter - October 15
Union calls for inquiry into federal return-to-office mandate

CTV News - October 15
Federal union calls for Commons committee to investigate 3-day a week office mandate

Global News - October 14
Public servants’ union wants Parliament to investigate return-to-office mandate

CBC -  October 13
Public service union calls for investigation into return-to-office mandate

Radio-Canada - October 12
Fonction publique : un syndicat demande une enquête sur le retour au bureau à trois jours (French only)

Radio-Canada - October 12
Téléjournal Ottawa-Gatineau - Retour au bureau : L'ACEP demande une enquête (Starts at 7:51 - French only)

Radio-Canada - Le café show - October 4 
Répercussions des traductions à l'externe (French only)

Francopresse - October 3 
Traductions externes : les fonctionnaires francophones paient le prix (French only)

Ottawa Citizen - September 19 
Opinion: Modernizing the federal workplace starts with remote work

CBC - September 14
Return to the office also meant a return to traffic, parking and simmering tensions

Francopresse - September 12 
La Journée des langues officielles reste symbolique dans la fonction publique (French only)

CFRA Ottawa - September 11
The Morning Rush - Nathan Prier

CBC - September 11
How does the government track who's in the office? It varies by department

Radio-Canada - September 9
La surveillance des fonctionnaires fédéraux au bureau passe mal (French only)

Radio-Canada - September 9
Télétravail restreint au fédéral : un constat d’échec? (French only)

Hill Times - September 9
Unions protest on first day of new remote-work rules 

Hill Times - September 9
New return-to-office mandate for federal public servants kicks off as unions prepare telework campaign

Radio-Canada - September 7
C’est à compter de lundi que les fonctionnaires devront travailler davantage au bureau (French only)

The Globe And Mail - September 7
Despite union protest, new hybrid work rules for federal employees kick in Monday

Global News - September 5
'No real plus value': Public servants protest in-office mandate

Le Droit - September 5 
Fonctionnaires: le problème, ce n’est pas d’aller au bureau (French only)

The Hill Times - September 2
Opinion: Ottawa off base with claim public servants are needed in office to boost collaboration

Ottawa Citizen - September 2
Union members rally in solidarity for Ottawa's annual Labour Day march

Ottawa Citizen - August 30
PSAC set to launch $1-million remote work campaign

Ottawa Citizen - August 29
Opinion - Adam: Cutting OC Transpo train service now makes very little sense

Ottawa Citizen - August 17
Opinion - Prier: Sutcliffe plays blame game instead of solving transit problems

Radio-Canada - August 3
OC Transpo réduit à 10 minutes la fréquence du train léger en soirée aux heures creuses (French only)

Radio-Canada - August 1
Une marche pour le Jour de l'émancipation (French only)

Ottawa Citizen - July 29 
Racial stereotyping, microaggressions 'normalized' within PCO: report

CTV News - July 29
Report reveals widespread discrimination at highest level of Canada's public service

Radio-Canada - July 29
Une coalition d’organismes dénonce de la discrimination au Bureau du Conseil privé (French only)

Le Droit - July 29
Un rapport fait état de racisme et de discrimination au bureau du Conseil privé (French only)

CBC Ottawa - July 29
OC Transpo to cut midday LRT service frequency to 10 minutes

Ottawa Citizen - July 11 
A Philadelphia union sued the city over remote work. Could that happen in Ottawa?

Radio-Canada - July 9 
Remplacement du système de paie Phénix : le fédéral mise sur la transparence (French only)

Hill Times - June 17
Anand says feds’ return to office directive ‘not a political decision’ as public service unions push back

Hill Times - June 17
‘Unprecedented’: global body looking into Canadian Human Rights Commission, potentially downgrading country’s status

Radio-Canada - June 13
La retraite après 25 ans de service pour les agents fédéraux en sûreté et sécurité, L’ACEP se retire du comité sur le télétravail (French only)

Ottawa Citizen - June 13 
Government’s new chief technology officer will work remotely 

The Hill Times - June 10 
Translation Bureau launches ‘entry-level’ accreditation pilot, raising red flags for industry association

CBC - June 10
Canadian Human Rights Commission faces downgrade as international body launches review

Ottawa Citizen - June 10 
Federal agency facing international review following findings of discrimination 

Radio-Canada - June 10 
La Commission canadienne des droits de la personne fera l’objet d’une révision spéciale (French only)

Radio-Canada - June 10 
Semaine nationale de la fonction publique : mécontentement chez des syndicats (French only)

CTV - June 4 
Federal public servants should be compensated for Canada Life fiasco, government report recommends

CBC - June 4
Report urges better oversight of Canada Life, compensation for clients

Radio-Canada - June 4
Un rapport recommande une surveillance de Canada Vie et l’indemnisation des clients (French only)

Radio-Canada - June 4 
Retour au bureau : les syndicats ont la ferme intention de faire reculer le gouvernement (French only)

Canadian Dimension - May 28
Public service unions leading fightback against feds’ remote work policy

Benefits Canada - May 27
Unions representing federal public service workers file legal challenges against hybrid work mandate

Hill Times - May 24 
‘We wanted answers’: federal public service unions protest government’s return to workplace policy 

CBC News Ottawa - May 23
Public sector rally - begins around one-minute mark

Ottawa Citizen - May 23 
Union holds rally for remote work outside of Mayor’s Breakfast event

CTV News - May 23
Treasury Board president urges managers to be flexible on exemptions for new 3-day office mandate

Radio-Canada - May 23
Retour au bureau : des syndicats de fonctionnaires à la rencontre d’Anita Anand (French only)

Le Droit -  May 18
Obliger la présence des fonctionnaires sans considérer les congés de maladie (French only)

The Ottawa Citizen - May 17
More than 70,000 letters sent to minister, MPs about public service return-to-office policy

The Hill Times - May 13
Workin’ 9 to 5, that’s no way to make a livin’

The Hill Times - May 10 
Unions, experts call into question feds’ move to divest 50 per cent of property holdings while also calling for back-to-workplace policies

CBC Ottawa Morning - May 9
Federal unions file complaints over in-office mandate

Ottawa Citizen - May 9
Prier and Hersh: Lack of vision, not office workers, is Ottawa's real problem

TVA Nouvelles - May 8
Télétravail au fédéral: des fonctionnaires fâchés de revenir au bureau 3 jours par semaine (French only)

La Nouvelle - May 8
Secteur public fédéral: des syndicats contestent le retour au bureau 3 jours/semaine (French only)

CTV News - May 8
Unions to challenge federal office mandate

La Presse - May 8
Les syndicats unis contre le retour au bureau trois jours par semaine (French only)

Le Droit - May 8
Les syndicats de fonctionnaires prêts à semer la pagaille (French only)

The Globe and Mail - May 8
Unions for federal workers promise ‘summer of discontent’ of hybrid work rules

Radio-Canada - May 8
Retour au bureau des fonctionnaires : le maire d’Ottawa réagit aux critiques des syndicats (French only)

Toronto Star - May 8
Public service unions promise ‘summer of discontent’ over in-office policy

Ottawa Citizen - May 8 
Federal unions fighting back against three-day in-office mandate for public servants 

CPAC - May 8
Press conference: Public Service Unions Voice Opposition to New Return-to-Office Mandate

Radio-Canada - May 8
Travail en présentiel : les syndicats font une sortie commune contre le gouvernement (French only)

CBC - May 8
Federal unions file complaints over increase to office time

CTV News - May 8
'Summer of discontent': Federal unions vow to fight new 3-day a week office mandate

Canadian HR Reporter - May 7
‘It’s problematic’: Ottawa’s push for return to office met with concern

Francopresse - May 3 
Feuilleton de la Colline – Semaine du 29 avril 2024 (French only)

Le Droit - May 3 
Le silence de la ministre Anita Anand (French only)

Francopresse - May 3 
La santé des interprètes de la Colline un peu mieux protégée (French only)

Ottawa Citizen - May 2 
Unions push back against feds' updated remote work policy

Global News - May 2
Public service unions will fight 3-day in-office mandate. What to know

Radio-Canada - May 2
IA au Bureau de la traduction : le commissaire aux langues officielles met en garde Ottawa (French only)

CBC - May 1
Government confirms more details of return-to-office plan

Radio-Canada - May 1
Un plan de retour au bureau qui « choque » et « insulte » les fonctionnaires fédéraux (French only)

Toronto Star - May 1 
‘Shocked’ public service unions promise to fight new 3-day in-office mandate

Global News - April 29
Growing interpreter injuries forces House of Commons to adjust audio set-ups

La Press - April 29
Ottawa tente de protéger les interprètes parlementaires (French only)

The Canadian Press - April 29
Parliament spaces out microphones after another interpreter is injured

ICI Ottawa-Gatineau - April 27 
Interprètes du Parlement : le syndicat satisfait de la nouvelle ordonnance (French only)

La Presse - April 26 
L’interprétation simultanée suspendue à cause des chocs acoustiques (French only)

ICI Ottawa-Gaineau - April 26 
Le fédéral sommé d’agir « immédiatement » pour protéger les interprètes du Parlement (French only)

The Hill Times - April 26
Public service unions sound alarm over feds’ plan to trim bureaucracy by 5,000 jobs through ‘natural attrition’

The Ottawa Citizen - March 29 
Advocacy groups call for city to protect protesters from noise bylaw fines

Capital Current - March 29
Advocacy groups, unions say protests should be exempt from noise bylaw

The Hill Times - March 4
Eight years after Phoenix launch, unions demand ‘ongoing damages’ for affected employees as new system still in development

QUB radio - February 28
Le fiasco Phénix s’est transformé en crise humaine, dénonce le président de l’ACEP (French only)

Ottawa Citizen - February 27
Unions urge government to negotiate more damages for public servants over Phoenix pay system

Radio-Canada - February 27
Système de paie Phénix : un dédommagement additionnel demandé par des syndicats (French only)

Globe and Mail - February 27
Unions call on Ottawa to provide additional compensation as issues with Phoenix pay system persist

La Presse - February 27
Les fonctionnaires demandent une nouvelle indemnisation (French only)

CTV - February 27
Unions call on government to extend compensation for public servants over Phoenix pay system

The Maple - February 26
An Interview With The New President Of CAPE

Le Droit - February 4
Bienvenue dans le merveilleux monde de Nate (French only)

Ottawa Citizen - January 19
Public service union's new president focused on 'moving forwards'


La Presse - December 16
Nouveaux chocs acoustiques au parlement (French only)

Ottawa Citizen - December 14
CAPE public-service union elects Nathan Prier as its new president

Radio-Canada - September 1
Système de paie Phénix : 4,3 millions d’heures de congé payées en guise de compensation (French only)

CBC - September 1
Feds must 'step up' and compensate every worker affected by Phoenix, says union

CBC - August 4
Federal unions watching AI's usage in the workplace closely

Radio-Canada - August 3 
L’intelligence artificielle se fraie un chemin dans la fonction publique fédérale (French only)

Radio-Canada - July 26
Les syndicats réagissent à la nomination d’Anita Anand au Conseil du Trésor (French only)

Francopresse - June 26
La santé des interprètes toujours en jeu sur la Colline (French only)

The Hill Times - June 26
Uptick in Phoenix backlog due to number of transactions growing ‘significantly’ in recent years, says PSPC, as unions decry lack of progress

The Hill Times - May 24
Level of House interpretation service a continued cause for concern

CTV Ottawa - May 18
Canadian Association of Professional Employees reaches four-year deal with federal government

La Presse - April 19
La ministre Jaczek promet de protéger les interprètes (French only)

Ottawa Citizen - April 19
Public service unions encourage members to support PSAC workers while they're on strike

La Presse - April 17
Interprète, un travail risqué (French only)

The Hill Times - March 20
Hill Times editorial: One incident is one too many

Canadian Press - CTV - February 6
Federal government not protecting Parliament Hill interpreters: tribunal

Radio-Canada - February 6 
Blessures auditives des interprètes : changements attendus, mais encore des craintes (French only)

Le Droit - February 3
Ottawa n’a pas veillé à la protection de ses interprètes (French only)

The Hill Times - January 30
Space issues cropping up, say public servants, unions, as PSPC committed to ‘providing 260,000 federal public servants with modern workspaces’

The Hill Times - January 23
Public servants, unions concerned about transit issues, child care shortages, public health, one week into back-to-hybrid-workplace mandate

Radio-Canada - January 19
2500 plaintes de fonctionnaires canadiens pour du travail donné à des consultants (French only)

Le Droit - January 16 
La fonction publique fragilisée par la politique de retour sur les lieux de travail (French only)

ICI Radio-Canada - January 14
Des syndicats estiment que le retour au bureau mettrait les fonctionnaires en danger (French only)

CTV News - January 13
Unions call on federal government to halt return-to-office plan for employees

Ottawa Citizen - January 13
Carr and Phillips: Return-to-office policy puts Canada's public servants at risk 



ICI Radio-Canada: 6:07 - December 21
Retour sur les lieux de travail (French only)

CityNews Everywhere - December 19
CAPE president says back to in-person work decision 'disrespectful'

CityNews Ottawa - Hour 3 - December 19

The Hill Times - December 19
Chamber of Commerce, Ottawa mayor applaud federal public servants’ hybrid return to work, but unions plan to fight back

Radio-Canada - December 16
Retour des fonctionnaires au bureau : l’AFPC annonce qu’elle portera plainte (French only)

CBC - December 15
Federal public servants mandated to return to office 2-3 days a week by March 31

The Hill Times - November 9
House urges Senate to review practices in light of interpreter injury concerns

La Presse - October 31
Québec et Ottawa n’ont aucune étude sur la performance (French only)

Slator - October 28
Canadian Translation Bureau Investigates Interpreter Collapse at Senate Hearing

National Newswatch - October 27
Ottawa probing language interpreter injury, says third to be hospitalized 

CBC - October 27
Parliament Hill interpreter hospitalized for 'acoustic shock'

The Toronto Star - October 25
Parliament Hill language interpreter sent to hospital, union blames lax headset rules 

CTV News - October 25
Parliament Hill language interpreter sent to hospital, union blames lax headset rules 

Le Droit - September 29
Fonctionnaires fédéraux: le retour au bureau «mal géré, inadapté et impopulaire» (French only)

Radio-Canada ICI Ottawa-Gatineau - September 29
Le retour au bureau suscite déception et frustration chez les fonctionnaires fédéraux (French only)

Radio-Canada Sur le vif - September 29
Sondage sur le retour au bureau des fonctionnaires fédéraux (French only)

CBC - September 4
COVID-19 changed office work. Here's what the 'next normal' looks like as people return 

The Hill Times - August 29
Federal departments eyeing mid-September return to office, but unions pushing back

CBC Ontario Today: 41:35 min. - August 16
Return to the office: Why are people fighting over the plan where you work?

CityNews - August 11
Public service & gov't trying to define WFH

CFRA Radio - August 9
Ottawa at Work - Greg Phillips Interview “The Federal Government Return to Work Plan Is Flawed and Rushed?”

CTV News : 1:40 min. - August 8
Push to return to the office

CBC - August 7
Many federal government employees balking at returning to offices

Le Droit - August 6 
Parlement hybride: les Canadiens comprennent-ils? (Also in Le Soleil(French only)

CFRA Ottawa - August 3
Ottawa At Work - Greg Phillips interview "The federal government return to work plans is flawed and rushed?"

Canadian Press - July 29
Public service unions say federal government's guidance on hybrid work flawed

The Hill Times - July 27
Tory House leader rails against interpreter pilot project defended as necessary amid service strain

CBC - July 20
Non-accredited interpreters a threat to 'quality of bilingualism' on Parliament Hill, advocates say

Radio Canada. Le téléjournal d'0ttawa-Gatineau : 13:50 min. - July 19 (French only)

Le Droit Numérique - July 14
Fonction publique fédérale: le maintien du télétravail réclamé par un syndicat (French only)

Radio Canada. Le téléjournal d'0ttawa-Gatineau : 4:05 min. - July 13 (French only)

ICI Ottawa-Gatineau - July 13
L’ACEP demande de reporter le retour en présentiel des fonctionnaires fédéraux (French only)

National Post - July 9
Canada's public service is collapsing. Let us count the ways

The Globe and Mail - June 15
Ottawa will ‘absolutely not’ reimburse civil servants who refused COVID-19 vaccination and were placed on unpaid leave

National Post - June 15 
Salaries of suspended unvaccinated bureaucrats will 'absolutely not' be reimbursed, federal minister says

Radio Canada. Le téléjournal d'0ttawa-Gatineau : 4:16 min. - June 14 (French only)

ICI Ottawa-Gatineau - June 14
Fin de la vaccination obligatoire : des syndicats disent ne pas avoir été consultés (French only)

The Globe and Mail - June 7
Virtual work reportedly the cause of tinnitus and other health problems for parliamentary interpreters

CBC - June 6
Hearing loss among interpreters slowing work of parliamentary committees

ICI Ottawa Gatineau - June 2
La pénurie et les blessures auditives d’interprètes perturbent des travaux parlementaires (French only)

Ici Radio. Sur le vif. - June 2 (French only)

Radio Canada. Le téléjournal d'0ttawa-Gatineau : 14:42 min. - June 2 (French only)

National Post - May 19
Three biggest federal public sector unions challenge Liberal government's 'punitive' vaccine mandate for bureaucrats

The Hill Times - May 4
PPS asks for ‘substantial increase’ to address Parliament Hill security

Policy Options - March 22
Should it stay or go? Ottawa weighs the vaccine mandate for the public service 

The Hill Times - March 9
Conservatives, Bloc cite interpreter challenges to push for end to hybrid sittings 

Policy Options - March 8 
Ottawa and unions agree to simplify pay rules for public servants 

The Hill Times - March 1
Alarms still ringing: interpreters continue to face challenges in hybrid Parliament, putting limited workforce at risk 

Radio-Canada - February 2
Sécurité des interprètes du Parlement : le syndicat porte plainte (French only)



Radio-Canada - Sur le Vif - May 27
Les défis des interprètes au Parlement depuis 1 an (Please note that CAPE survey is mentioned in this program but the interview is conducted with a freelance interpreter and not one of our members.) (French only)

Le Devoir - May 26
Les interprètes du Parlement victimes des séances virtuelles (French only)

Radio-Canada - May 26
Des victimes de racisme bâillonnées dans la fonction publique fédérale (French only)

Radio-Canada - January 25 
La majorité des interprètes du Parlement blessés depuis le début de la pandémie (French only)



The Hill Times - July 27 
Feds recognize ‘there’s more work to be done on diversifying the public service,’ says Liberal MP Alghabra

CBC - May 16
Virtual Parliament struggling with technology, security, interpretation, report says

L'Actualité - May 8
Les séances virtuelles du Parlement sont devenues un fléau pour les interprètes (French only)

National Post - May 8
Virtual parliamentary proceedings cause spike in injuries for interpreters

The Hill Times - May 6
Interpreter injuries spike due to virtual Parliament, prompt calls for quality controls

Canadian HR Reporter - February 6
Feds introduce Phoenix pay system claims process

The Post Millennial - January 25
Report reveals nepotism in Trudeau government hiring practices

The Hill Times - January 6 
Public servants still waiting to engage with public service renewal parl sec



The Hill Times - December 16
‘He has a lot of work to do’: elusive collective agreement, Phoenix damages loom large for new Treasury Board president

Law Times - December 6
Federal Crowns to get payout from Phoenix pay system

Global Governement Forum - September 24
Canadian unions agree Phoenix compensation deal

The Hill Times - May 8
Public servants concerned by ‘insulting’ Phoenix damages deal, worried claims process could be emotionally taxing

Radio-Canada - May 4
Phénix : une entente pour dédommager près de la moitié des fonctionnaires fédéraux (French only)

The Hill Times - May 3
Tentative Phoenix deal reached, but PSAC rejects feds’ offer

The Hill Times - April 24
Feds shift to non-traditional workspaces, but not everyone’s happy about it

The Hill Times - April 24
Public service grew again in 2018, rebounding from Harper-era cuts

Newswire - January 14
More tentative agreements as the Government of Canada continues to bargain in good faith



The Hill Times - September 12
Pay-related grievances at labour relations board triple post-Phoenix

The Hill Times - September 10
‘Kind of an asinine comment’: opponents react to Poilievre’s claims of ‘zero’ Phoenix pay problems under Conservatives

The Hill Times - August 27
Public Services to pitch next step for Phoenix pay fix in September

The Hill Times - August 2
Federal union faces $2.1M lawsuit filed by former president

The Hill Times - July 4
PS unions target Phoenix as next round of bargaining heats up