CAPE members looking for more flexibility, better working conditions in most recent telework survey

The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) is publishing key results from its most recent telework survey which demonstrate that the hybrid office model is not meeting workers’ needs in terms of flexibility and accommodation and that the arbitrary office attendance rules do not boost productivity or foster team building.

In March, CAPE reached out to its membership to learn about members’ current work arrangements, their experiences of the shared Workplace 2.0 offices, the factors affecting their productivity at home and in the office, and their preferred work arrangements. We received responses from over 30% of registered members – thank you to everyone who participated! 

Members shared that they are looking for a more strategic use of office time, with in-person office days – when they are necessary – used for coordinated and intentional collaboration with their teams. While 54% of respondents prefer full-time telework, many are open to working in an office when there is an operational need. Many respondents also noted that they would like to see more choice given to workers about when they work in the office, and about the setup of the office from which they work.

These results are in line with the results of CAPE’s 2022 telework survey

In the coming weeks, CAPE will be reaching out to its membership to share more information about upcoming telework actions and campaigns – stay tuned!

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