Governance Committee's Terms of Reference


The Governance Subcommittee is an advisory committee that assists the National Executive Council (NEC) and the President of CAPE in promoting excellence in governance. Governance is the way formal rules and informal norms structure decision-making and actions, and the manner in which decision makers and administrators are held accountable.


The Governance Subcommittee will be composed of at least three members from the NEC, one of whom will chair the Subcommittee.

  • The President and at least one Vice-President will serve as ex-officio voting members of the Committee.
  • A member of CAPE staff will be included as secretary of the Committee.
  • As an advisory committee, the Committee will aim for consensus, but where voting is required, a quorum will be a majority of voting members.
  • Up to two rank-and-file members may join the Governance Subcommittee. These members have voting power alongside NEC members.


  • The Subcommittee may create temporary working groups to consult members on matters relating to CAPE national and CAPE locals.


The responsibilities of the Subcommittee are to provide policy and governance recommendations to the NEC on matters relating to CAPE national and CAPE locals:

  1. Develop and provide oversight for compliance with governance structures, processes, and related policies, including recommending a review of board functioning with an outside consultant when necessary. 
  2. Develop NEC eligibility requirements for NEC approval. The requirements would be publicly available for all CAPE members who wish to become NEC members.  
  3. Provide recommendations to the NEC on recruitment for NEC committees, orientation of NEC members, and assessments and ongoing education and training.
  4. Provide oversight of relationships with affiliate organizations and key strategic partners.
  5. Review and provide recommendations on issues related to CAPE certifications and accreditations.
  6. Develop expertise in rules of order, to become a trusted resource to ensure good order at CAPE meetings. Share expertise on rules of order with NEC members and CAPE members.
  7. Revise existing policies, on an as-needed basis to reflect the principles underpinning CAPE national. This includes but is not limited to the following policies and protocols:

       a) Accessibility Policy

       b) Awards and Recognition Policy

       c) CAPE Recognition and Appreciation Awards - Award of Appreciation Nomination Form

       d) Code of Ethics for Elected or Appointed Officers

       e) Donations Policy

       f) Equity and Inclusiveness Policy

       g) Family Care Policy 

       h) Harassment Prevention Policy

       i) Language Policy 

       j) Representation Services Policy

       k) Privacy Policy

       l) Travel Policy


  1. Revise existing policies, on an as-needed basis to reflect the principles underpinning CAPE locals. This includes but is not limited to the following policies and protocols:


  1. Framework for CAPE Local By-Laws
  2. Local Email Communications Guidelines
  3. Membership List Policy


  1. Work with CAPE’s legal counsel when revising and developing policies and protocols for CAPE National and locals. 
  2. Provide guidance, opinions, alternatives and recommendations upon request from the NEC.


  • The Subcommittee will meet at least every three weeks.
  • Notice of Meetings will occur at least one week in advance.
  • Special meetings are called by the Chair and may be added to address time-sensitive decisions required between regularly scheduled meetings.  This scheduling is an exception, not a standard practice.


  • The Chair of the Subcommittee, or designated replacement, will report to the NEC at its monthly meetings.
  • Minutes will be taken by the secretary and distributed to all members of the Subcommittee and made available to the NEC.
  • Supporting schedules, documentation and information reviewed by the Subcommittee will be available for examination by any NEC member upon request.

The Subcommittee shall have the right to be added as an agenda item at the Annual General Meeting to report to the members of CAPE.


These terms of reference come into effect on April 26, 2024.