I am excited to have joined the National Executive Committee (NEC). I am also deeply moved by the trust given to me to work on the much-needed changes in our union.
In the past couple of years that I have dedicated to volunteering at Local 514 as well as during the election campaign, I have learned many necessary skills that will help me in my role as an EC Director. I have also experienced firsthand the need to change how we organize ourselves as a union. In particular, we need greater member participation that is more rewarding and has a greater impact on the union’s decision-making. This is one of the most important factors in gaining higher bargaining power and better outcomes in collective bargaining.
That is why one of my top priorities is to move our union culture towards widespread participation. This is not an overnight process and, to get started, I encourage CAPE members to be active in their locals, observe NEC meetings, participate in sub-committees, and to regularly communicate with NEC Directors, including myself. While these activities may seem trivial at first, they are critical first steps.
I am excited for what we can accomplish together in the coming years. As we build member-led union democracy, we will grow a stronger organization that can fight for and win better working conditions; this will also help in advancing justice for all equity-seeking members of CAPE.