National Tour: Consulting and Engaging Locals across Canada
CAPE’s President, Greg Phillips is touring Canada in person this spring to connect with Locals across the country, hosting hybrid meetings that follow public health guidelines. The meetings are meant to provide Locals with updates on key issues and more broadly, to hear from them and to better understand their needs.
Mental Health Week — May 2 – 8
Mental Health Week is a time to reflect on our own mental well-being, but also a time to remember to listen and support others, and to talk openly and freely about mental illness without judgment or stigma.
Red Dress Day 2022
We join in spirit today to honour and remember all the missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and members of the 2SLGBTQQIA community.
CAPE, Bloc Québécois explore solutions to interpreters’ health and safety concerns
On Friday, April 22, CAPE President Greg Phillips met with Bloc Québécois party whip Claude DeBellefeuille, also a member of the Board of Internal Economy, and Mario Beaulieu, Official Languages critic and Vice-Chair, Standing Committee on Official Languages, to review CAPE’s proposed solutions.
Working together to build a safety and health culture
Today we reflect on World Day for Safety and Health at Work, as well as the National Day of Mourning for those who have lost their lives at the workplace.
COVID-19 temporary administrative measures for dental care ending March 2023
CAPE has been informed by the Treasury Board Secretariat that the COVID-19 temporary administrative measures for the Public Service Dental Care Plan (PSFCP) and the Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan (PDSP) will be ending on March 31, 2023.
New exclusion announced - lifting of the moratorium on mandatory leave cash out
In addition to our recent updates about the MOU regarding the automatic payment of excess leave and the interpretive aids for EC and TR members, we wanted to inform you that the Treasury Board Secretariat’s Chief Human Resources Officer has approved a new exception.
Federal Budget 2022: The nuts and bolts for CAPE members
CAPE's review of the 2022 federal budget
World Health Day: Our Planet, Our Health
CAPE recognizes the importance of caring for our environment and the necessity to support collective and individual actions to reduce environmental degradation and global warming. Furthermore, we recognize that climate and environmental risks produce risks to health and life itself.
International Transgender Day of Visibility 2022
Today and all year long, CAPE stands firm in reiterating its support and is taking a moment to celebrate their resilience and achievements.