Your bargaining team met with the employer on April 2, 3 and 4. The two parties have now covered all their proposals. There is slow and small progress but the tone at the table is positive. The employer is working on a solution to allow retroactive payments without having to run into difficulties caused by the Phoenix payroll system.
For the time being, the employer's salary offer is far from meeting our expectations and we still have a lot of work ahead of us. Nonetheless, we are hopeful that a tentative agreement will be reached before the summer, or at least before the next federal elections.
The parties return to the table May 7, 8 and 9.
Worth noting that the RCMP TRL employees will soon join the TR group and a separate table is working on the transition.
Existing text prepared for the two tables:
Civilian members of the RCMP
Previously, in the context of the bargaining process, the employer had suggested and CAPE had accepted to create a bargaining table for a precise discussion of the proposed provisions in view of the integration of civilian members of the RCMP into the bargaining units of EC and TR groups. The goal of using another avenue than the bargaining tables of the EC and TR groups is to establish a process allowing discussion of the identical conditions of integration of employees from the ESS group into the EC group and employees from the TRL group into the TR group. This third “table” is not a distinct bargaining table, because the memorandum of understanding that will result from it will be added to the collective agreement of the EC and TR groups as conditions applying to certain employees of the these groups (i.e. the former members of the ESS and TRL groups). Regarding the process, under the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act, negotiating the conditions of integration is part of the respective bargaining processes of the EC and TR groups.
To ensure that it puts forward the concerns and priorities of its members from the ESS/EC and TRL/TR groups at the bargaining table, CAPE surveyed the members of the ESS and TRL groups at the end of 2017. They identified rights and privileges they consider important and want to preserve. They also established priorities. The RCMP NCR local was asked to provide information, an orientation and to participate in the bargaining process along with representatives at the bargaining table. Representatives of CAPE and the employer (Treasury Board accompanied by representatives of the RCMP) met on February 28, to initiate the discussions. The parties will meet again on March 28.