Sharpen your graphic design skills for CAPE

This course is provided by a third party.


Would you like to sharpen up your graphic design skills so you can put them to use helping to mobilize CAPE’s membership? This is your chance. 

The National Executive Committee approved a motion to send up to two members to Visual Design for Organizing Apprenticeship, an online certification course, in the fall. The goal is to bolster CAPE’s design capabilities and drive member engagement and leadership.

This virtual training features 11 two-hour sessions offered over five weeks, from September 17 to October 10. Each session is held from 12 pm to 2 pm ET. Members selected to attend the training will be compensated for the hours they need to be away from their job. For those living in the National Capital Region and other locations where the training takes place over the lunch hour, members will be compensated for one hour of their workday. 

Please note that this training is currently offered in English only. 

Once completing the training, the selected members will be expected to contribute an equivalent amount of time to applying their new graphic design skills to CAPE at the local or national level.

If you are interested, please complete the application form before Sunday, July 28 at 11:59 pm ET.

If you have questions, please contact and include GRAPHIC DESIGN COURSE in the subject line.