Media advisory: CAPE members rally for remote work rights to support stronger communities

Ottawa, May 22, 2024 – Members of the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE), other federal unions, and members and leaders of various Ottawa communities will hold a peaceful rally outside of Ottawa City Hall during the Mayor’s Breakfast on May 23 to let guest speaker Minister Anita Anand, Mayor Mark Sutcliffe and other municipal officials know why they are against the mandated three-day a week return to office. 

Forcing thousands of federal employees back to insufficient and expensive downtown Ottawa offices more days a week is not a viable long-term solution to fix downtown Ottawa’s decades-long economic problems. The return to office for knowledge workers, of which CAPE’s members are, goes against the government’s own goals of reducing both carbon emissions and its real estate footprint. It also concentrates federal public sector jobs in the National Capital Region, contributing to a shortage of regional perspectives in government. 

CAPE represents more than 25,000 federal government employees.


WHEN: Thursday, May 23 

TIME: 7:45 am to 9 am ET 

WHO: CAPE representatives, CAPE members

WHERE: Ottawa City Hall

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Katia Thériault, CAPE, (819) 431-1015 (cell), ktheriault @