Have your voice heard! Member Resolution call-out 2024

The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) invites its members to submit resolutions for consideration by the membership this fall. 

Resolutions may focus on CAPE’s policies, practices, or on collective bargaining. As outlined in CAPE’s constitution, members may submit resolutions to be voted on by the membership following the annual general meeting.

Check the CAPE website for detailed information on submitting resolutions, including elements that a resolution must include, a template form for writing your own resolution, and guidance about the various types of resolutions that may be submitted. 

More information about member resolutions can also be found in CAPE’s constitution and by-laws.

Resolutions will be reviewed by the Elections and Resolutions Committee (ERC) and if deemed to be in order, will be put to the membership for a vote.

Resolutions must be submitted to CCR-ERC2024@acep-cape.ca

Don’t delay! Resolutions must be received at least 90 days before the Association’s annual general meeting, which will be held in November (date to be confirmed).