CAPE has put together this template letter you can use to send to your member of Parliament (MP) from your personal email address to express your concerns regarding the recent back-to-office mandate that will require federal public sector employees in the core public administration a partial return to the office beginning January 16, 2023.
Please feel free to modify the message as you see fit and note that it should be sent to your MP on your own behalf, not CAPE, for maximum effect.
Many of you have contacted CAPE expressing your frustration with this abrupt mandate. While we continue applying various strategies and tactics to pressure the Treasury Board to halt their irresponsible, short-sighted, and ill-conceived return-to-office mandate, we urge you to contact your elected official to express your concerns as we believe this mandate to be politically motivated and not due to operational requirements.
Aside from sending this letter to your MP, you can also consider the following:
1. Writing to your manager and expressing your concerns
2. Check the CAPE website for the latest updates, sign up for email updates, and follow us on social media (Twitter – English, Twitter - French, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn)
3. Know your rights: Health and safety concerns related to return-to-office plans during COVID-19
4. Contact CAPE with concerns to be triaged by our Labour Relations Team
Please also note that CAPE is currently in talks with other unions to develop a coordinated response.