EC/LoP Vice-President

Nick Giannakoulis, EC/LoP Vice-President

Nick Giannakoulis
EC and LoP Vice-President
Public Health Agency of Canada

Nick has been a member of the National Executive Committee (NEC) since 2011, and a member of the following NEC Sub-Committees: Finance; Constitution and By-Laws; Mobilization and Job Action; and Ad-Hoc Sub-Committees: Human Resources, and Strategic Planning and Visioning.

Nick has been an active member involved in CAPE for the past 10 years, initially as a Steward for the CAPE Local 512 at Health Canada (HC) / Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), then as Vice-President, and currently as President for the past three years. He also sits on the Local Leadership and Presidents’ Councils and has served on the Election and Resolution Sub-Committee in the past. Nick holds an M.A in Public Administration and Policy Studies.