Cities Reimagined:  Remote Work Transformation Pledge 


Cities Reimagined: 
Remote Work Transformation Pledge  

Let’s talk about remote work. Aside from the many benefits to workers, including improved work-life balance, lower stress levels, and increased opportunities for workers with disabilities, remote work holds the promise of transforming our cities. Reducing our reliance on office buildings means reducing gridlock, opening prime land for new development, building more housing, and creating a city that works better for everyone.

Join our community, sign the pledge today!

We, the undersigned, commit to supporting and promoting remote work as a key strategy for transforming our cities for the better. By endorsing remote work rights for any worker where it makes sense, we pledge to contribute to: 

  1. Reducing Traffic Congestion: We advocate for remote work practices that help decrease daily commutes, easing traffic and making our streets safer. Fewer vehicles on the road also means significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and cleaner air.

  2. Boosting Public Transportation: Remote work offers a chance to invest more in local public transit, enhancing accessibility for older adults and youth. With fewer cars on the road, transit becomes more efficient and attractive, encouraging greater use of buses and trains and helping build a stronger, more integrated transit network. 

  3. Revitalizing Urban Spaces and Enhancing Quality of Life: We support the repurposing of office spaces into mixed, community-focused areas, with parks, cultural centres, childcare centres, and affordable housing, saving millions of federal tax dollars while also enhancing the diversity and vibrancy of our urban areas and ensuring communities including downtown are complete, offering residents a more balanced lifestyle. 

  4. Boosting the Local Economy: We will encourage spending in local businesses as remote workers stay engaged within their neighbourhoods, contributing to economic growth and local prosperity.  The repurposing of single-use office buildings can also economically diversify the neighbourhoods they currently dominate. 

  5. Fostering Sustainable Cities: We are committed to promoting sustainable urban planning through remote work, supporting a more adaptable and resilient city infrastructure. 

Together, we believe that remote work is a powerful tool for building more efficient, healthier, and dynamic cities. We pledge to support its implementation and advocate for its benefits in our community. 


Ready to join us? Sign the pledge!