New Federal Workers and New Locals Sub-Committee

Terms of reference

This document delineates the objectives, mandate, core principles, and overarching activities of the New Federal Workers & New Locals Sub-Committee within the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) union. 

Complete Terms of Reference


Meetings minutes


May 2
April 4
March 7



Mar. 7, 2024

Apr. 4, 2024

May. 2, 2024

Jun. 6, 2024

Jul. 4, 2024

Aug. 1, 2024

Sept. 5, 2024

Oct. 3, 2024

Nov. 7, 2024

Dec. 5, 2024



Members of the New Federal Workers and New Locals Sub-Committee 

Nathan Prier
CAPE National President 
Annie YeoVice-President EC/LoP/OPBO
Nora CurtiEC Director
Alexis Brabant
Chair / EC Director 

CAPE Staff


Stéphanie Cousineau

Subcommittee Secretary
Jean OuelletteExecutive Director
André PoliquinDirector of Representation and Education
James HuttSenior Advisor to the President
Julie CourtyLocal Liaison Officer