Education subcommittee

Terms of reference

This document identifies the objectives, mandate, educational strategy, structure, core principles and general activities of the Education Committee of the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE). 

Complete Terms of Reference


Meetings minutes


March 8
February 9



Feb. 9, 2024

Mar. 8, 2024

Apr. 12, 2024

May. 10, 2024

Jun. 14, 2024

Jul. 12, 2024

Aug. 9, 2024

Sept. 13, 2024

Oct. 11, 2024

Nov. 8, 2024

Dec. 13, 2024


Members of the Education subcommittee

Nathan PrierCAPE National President  
Annie YeoVice-President EC/LoP/OPBO
Brian LatourEC Director
Megan WylieEC Director
Neil BurronChair/EC Director

Masha Davidovic

EC Director

Greer BarbazonEC Director
Douglas HagarEC Director
Rutvi AjmeraEC Director
Bogdan PanasyukEC Director

CAPE Staff

Stéphanie Cousineau Subcommittee Secretary
André PoliquinDirector of Representation and Education
Doris OsorioEducation Officer
James HuttSenior Advisor to the President
Julie CourtyLocal Liaison Officer