Frank Assu

Frank Assu
EC Director

I am a member of the We Wai Kai First Nation, of the Kwakwaka’wakw tribes of British Columbia. I live in Comox, BC on Vancouver Island.

Prior to joining the public service, I was an elementary school teacher and I have a Bachelor of Education degree from Vancouver Island University.

I am an experienced public servant who excels in creating and guiding innovative approaches to complex problem spaces. I am a proud champion for key initiatives such as Canada’s Free Agents, FlexGC, and Faces of the GC, as well as Regional Co-Manager of GovernexxVI, and a member of the Federal Youth Network. 

As of August 2023, I am currently on assignment with Heritage Canada, working on the Many Voices One Mind project. Since I joined Canada’s Free Agents in August 2018, I have taken on increasingly demanding and complex roles with Indigenous Services Canada (ISC), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Public Service and Procurement Canada (PSPC), Canada School of Public Service (CSPS), and Service Canada (SC). 

I am passionate about working openly and transparently. I look forward to being one of your EC Directors.